So, the morning of April 6, I woke up to find a 2-3 inch cockroach sitting here at the hallway entrance (Fig. A). He or she was quite despondent, slowly moving its legs and wings. In the background and alongside this are many of the articles found in previous posts, including some very large bags of trash.
Around 8pm, it was still there, and as I was about to document this, my neighbor stepped out of his apartment door (left). I was torn between the interest in the accrual of blog-featured droppings and the disinterest of finding one of these in my soup. I asked him if he'd mind throwing out the large trash bags in the hallway as cockroaches tend to be attracted to garbage. He said, "Cockroaches like the trash?" and seemed genuinely surprised by the connection.
Then, he stepped on it and kicked it over here (Fig B, C), 3 feet out the door into the corner of the stairway and said "here, no more problem," clearly believing this was true.
The next day, the cockroach was still moving around. Also found on this day, ironically, a bottle of cockroach killer (Fig D).
A. B.
C. D.